This is Rose – the Rose in Rose and Lion Leadership. Nicknamed Little Voice in the beginning of the story, she struggles to find ways to be authentic to who she is while still feeling she belongs.

Here is Rose’s introduction:

I’m Rose. It’s nice to meet you. Umm, I love to dance and sing, but hardly anybody knows that. Mostly everybody thinks I’m quiet and smart, and there’s so much pressure to be that way. Lion tells me I’m cool and fun and silly and I think maybe he’s right. I’m trying to show people who I really am, but… it’s hard, you know?

Super-strength: That’s tough to answer. I’m great at puzzles. I like to solve stuff. And I’m good at helping others see things that they are good at.

Tough spot: I don’t want to be made fun of. I don’t like “judge-y” people. I wish I felt like I fit in better.

Meet the rest of the characters who live in Redwood Creek: